Complaint Process

The New Jersey Board of Tree Experts (Board) takes its responsibilities seriously. Complaints can be submitted against a Tree Care Business (registered or unregistered) by using the Complaint Form - Tree Care Business or against a Licensee by using the Complaint Form - Licensee.

The Board will review the facts of the complaint and decide if an investigation is warranted by considering the following areas: professional ethics, wrongful conduct in the profession, improper practices and/or negligence. A letter will be sent to the person making the complaint acknowledging receipt of the letter.

A copy of the complaint will be forwarded to the licensee or business with a cover letter via certified mail. The cover letter from the Board will require the licensee or business to provide a detailed written response to the allegations in the complaint and this requested shall be fulfilled within one month of receiving the letter. The licensee or business is expected to submit all written documentation at this time in support of a rebuttal. If warranted, a site inspection by the Board or its agents will be made.

Once the response has been received, the Board will review and a disposition may be recommended. If the Board needs additional information, the licensee or business may be required to appear to answer questions concerning the matter. The Board will review information to decide if disciplinary action is warranted under the authority N.J.S.A. 45:15C-21 and N.J.S.A. 45:15C-24. The decision by the Board may be: no action, suspension of up to two years or revocation.

Be advised that any information you supply on the complaint form may be subject to public disclosure. If an investigation into the matter is conducted, the information is subject to public disclosure only after the completion of the investigation. You are also advised that the completed complaint form is a "government record," which the Board may be obligated to provide to anyone making a request pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).

The disposition of the matter may take several months. Please understand that the Board can only take formal action if it finds sufficient basis that the licensee or business has violated State laws or regulations. If the Board determines that formal action is required, a notice of intent will be sent to the Licensee or Business. The letter of intent shall inform the Licensee or the Business the intended action to be taken and his/her or its right to request a formal hearing. The hearing process will be overseen by the Office of Administrative Law.

Until a final determination has been made, the Board is not permitted to disclose information regarding the matter. You will be notified in writing when a final determination has been made. This process can take a considerable period of time. A letter will be sent to the person who made the complaint explaining the action taken by the Board.